Notice how the Minneapolis skyline has suddenly changed…. On Tuesday night, October 31st, join us for our HALLOWEEN “BS” SPOOKTACULAR show! We (dat be Jim and a few of the regulars) are in (stupid) costumes… the kids are all in bed in their candy-comas… and Mom and Dad (and Jim – who’s sleeping with Dad’s wife…) have busted out the “demonic refreshments”…. Call us via your webcam, in your headgear or costume, and we’ll put you on the air! Then we’ll try to guess what you are (or more accurately, Don Zorro, in the fog of alcohol, will ATTEMPT to guess what you are…). And we’re calling it the “BS” Spooktacular, because we’re not going to talk about anything of any importance whatsoever. It’s good, clean, liquor-infused adult fun for one and all!
Never called in before? It’s super-easy! Go to this page on our website and click the big blue button at the top of screen. Desktop, phone, tablet – it doesn’t matter, it all works. Can you do it? We knew you could….