Last night we debuted the @Night TAG TEAM – Jennifer Oliver O’Connell and Jeff Meyer – and a rollicking good time was had by all. You’ll be seeing them about once a month in the future. In the meantime, below is a link to Jennifer’s article on Christmas that she referenced at RedState; as well as their other stuff as well.
We Need a Little Christmas: Father Christmas Is the Heart of the Holiday
I’m American, and love the concept of Santa Claus as much as the next person. But it is the iconography and tradition of Father Christmas that resonates with me even more. The fact that he is called “Father” evokes a warmth of humanity that is more touchable than a saint. I also kind of really like the origins of Father Christmas. Historically, he was kind of a party animal. Pen and ink and lithograph images from the 18th and early 19th Century show a spry and mischievous older gent with a bowl of wassail, as opposed to the 19th and 20th Century versions of a fat and jolly older gent with a bag of toys.
In My Orbit with Jennifer Oliver O’Connell | As the Girl Turns | Substack
Opinion and Analysis on Politics and Pop Culture, mostly, with Detours into Food, Yoga, and Reinvention. Click to read In My Orbit with Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, by As the Girl Turns, a Substack publication with hundreds of subscribers.