CONK! News CEO JEFF MEYER didn’t show up… but we still had a wonderful time talking with JENNIFER OLIVER O’CONNELL, writer and one half of our “Dynamic Duo” tag team. Jim and Jennifer talked at length about the Biden administration plan to take California’s “AB5” law – which basically eliminated most independent contractors from working for California businesses – national. She wrote a terrific article on RedState explaining this; and here it is. Like she says: You need to pay attention to this….

California’s AB5 Goes National With the Independent Contractor Rule: Why You Need to Pay Attention
While you were distracted by all things Iowa, Hunter Biden, and Trump throwing Vivek Ramaswamy under the bus, the Biden administration is eroding small businesses and snatching away the livelihoods of independent contractors through bureaucratic fiat. The Acting Secretary of Labor, Julie Su, quietly dropped a revised Independent Contractor Rule on January 9, and it’s as bad as expected. California Rep. Kevin Kiley (R), who has been at the forefront of this war against independent professionals since his time as an Assemblyman, rendered the bad news ahead of the Department of Labor announcement.